Heartland Hijab offers one-on-one sewing lessons so that Sisters can create clothing and household items for themselves and their families.

How wonderful it is to be able to create your own clothing for yourself and for your family. Sew your own scarves, skirts, blouses, abaya, jilbab... even chador! 

Express the devotion you feel to your family by making clothing especially for them. 

Heartland Hijab would love to assist you in learning to sew!

We can create lessons custom for you, or you can choose to join us for a set of three classes that are made up of the following lessons:

  • Lesson One:
    Select the item that you would like to make.
    Learn to select fabric and other sewing necessities.
    Prepare the fabric for sewing.
  • Lesson Two:
    Cut the fabric.
    Mark the fabric for sewing.
    Learn basics of sewing machine use.
  • Lesson Three:
    Additional practice with the sewing machine.
    Piece your fabric together.
    Sew your item.
  • Additional lessons and assistance are availalbe as needed.

Lessons can take place in my shop, in your home, or in an alternate location. Please contact Heartland Hijab by phone or email for additional information or to schedule a meeting.

Please visit our page of Free Hijab Patterns for resources on creating your own Modest Clothing at home. There are patterns, instructions and directions, all free online, that include scarves, abaya, caftans, chador, skirts, pants and much more.

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